I am pleased to announce, and attach, the first issue of WRITE HOOK. the official newsletter of the British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA), is now available on-line to read or download – go to:
The first edition features a message from Chairman Chris Wardrope, reports on the Chris Boyle promoted event on the 3rd February, details of APBC Cut/Cornerman Course on 2nd March and APBC Referee/Judge Course on 28th April.
Also A Star Class Referee Ian John-Lewis is the subject of the in Meet the Team section, also included is an important update on new international guidance that tackles concussion in sport
There is also the latest Weight Chart, that includes the new pin weight and bridger-weight, including download link.
Upcoming events are covered, including the Scotland Vs UK Pro/Am event on 30th March, the upcoming 6th April Middlesbrough event and the Gloves & Doves Israel vs UK Pro/Am event that takes place on the 18th April 2024.
Don’t forget to read or download at www.boxbiba.com/BIBANewsFeb24.pdf
Gianluca Di Caro
Vice President